In Person - $130/1hr - $70/30mins
When your chakras, or any part of energy framework, become out of balance, they can profoundly affect your
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. My work focuses on getting the energy circuits flowing, aligning the auric
fields and grounding the spirit into the body. During this healing session I work with powerful and effective crystal healing techniques and
channel hands on REIKI /Universal light healing to thoroughly balance the entire aura and chakra system for a
complete tune up and re-balance. I work with many rare and powerful Crystals from all over the planet.
REIKI Master
Advanced Crystal Healer
Crystal Vogel Wand
Selenite Swords of Light Practitioner
In Person - $130/1hr - $70/30mins
When your chakras, or any part of energy framework, become out of balance, they can profoundly affect your
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. My work focuses on getting the energy circuits flowing, aligning the auric
fields and grounding the spirit into the body. During this healing session I work with powerful and effective crystal healing techniques and
channel hands on REIKI /Universal light healing to thoroughly balance the entire aura and chakra system for a
complete tune up and re-balance. I work with many rare and powerful Crystals from all over the planet.
REIKI Master
Advanced Crystal Healer
Crystal Vogel Wand
Selenite Swords of Light Practitioner